Let this delicious blend of organic herbs and flowers give you a hug in a mug whenever you don't feel over the moon. Designed for natural premenstrual support, this award-winning tea is crafted using botanicals to support happier periods
- Over The Moon tea aims to help and support your body with the challenges posed by your periods - from PMS to PCOS and endometriosis, it has botanicals with benefits to help
- Raspberry leaf is a uterine tonic, spearmint has been shown to have natural hormone balancing effects, dandelion root can help bloating, chamomile flowers and rose petals are naturally soothing and anti-spasmodic
100% natural ingredients each targeted to support your body, and offer you support when you need it
- 100% plastic free, and biodegradable
- Each bag makes 2 cups of tea - leave the bag in if you like a stronger brew
- Award winning: Over The Moon won a bronze award at the 2023 Nourish Awards - in the Best Tea & Coffee category